Saturday, June 9, 2012

Delays and BEA

Turns out I picked an awful two weeks in my life to decide to start blogging. I attended Book Expo America in New York City last week as an Exhibitor/Buyer and so the week was completely full of books, friends, excellent meals, tasty drinks and Broadway Plays.

I received some great galleys that I'm really excited about!

As for the positive tune that everyone is singing about BEA in articles, well, that wasn't exactly the same tune I was hearing on the floor. Everyone I talked to agreed that while it was cool that many civilians were there, actual sales for the books were at an all-time low. All the civilians were there just to pick up free books (obviously! because who wouldn't want to, right?). So, it merely gave the allusion that there were lots of people there. Smart on the planning of BEA.

Anyways... enough about that. I should start posting reviews here soon. I don't have another trip planned for a while!

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